12 Best Places in The House For Sex (Besides Your Bed)

If you are one of those people who is figuratively (or literally) chained to your bedposts – let me enlighten your way OUT of the bedroom and into other parts of your house! Here are 12 places besides your bedroom that you can bring your partner to and surprise them tonight.
1. Keep It Hot In The Kitchen
There are so many things within an arm’s reach to help you spice things up. The refrigerator has fruit, whipped cream, ice cubes and a whole bunch of other pleasurable pantry items to indulge your lover’s senses with. New sensations in new rooms make sex HOT and in the moment – and every couple needs that. Furthermore, if you are not one into food play – the kitchen offers stable, high counter tops. The height is just right for oral. Just hoist your behind up there and let the fun begin!
2. Dining Room Table
If you have never looked at your dining room table as a place to have sex – LOOK AGAIN! Whether it is a planned event, or if you were just overcome with passion – the table is a great place for indoor fun! On the table you really are at the perfect height for sex – you pick the position. Either on your back with your partner standing, both of you on top of the table, or you flat on your back with your partner entering from behind. The possibilities are there – just make sure you have a sturdy table that can withstand the weight!
Also, do not forget the dining room chairs! Simple and plain, yes – but opportunity for some great sex – YES! You can do a little post-dinner strip tease and then go down slowly to provide oral. Dining room chairs are also wonderful for being tied to. A napkin as a blindfold, a few tied together for impromptu restraints and you can be the host of unending oral while tied spread eagle on the chair. Do not forget the dining room – it can be a sensual ending to any long week!
3. In Front Of The Bathroom Mirror
Let's not forget that bathrooms have countertops – counters that are usually just the right height for sex! Jump up onto the counter and let your partner do dirty, dirty things to you. Most importantly, the mirror behind most counters offers an insanely seductive viewing of what is happening. Watch from an entirely new point of view as you and your partner ravage each other's bodies.
4. Coitus On The Couch
I am willing to bet that most people have had sex on a couch – at some time – with somebody. So, why is it once we get married or get into a comfortable relationship the couch becomes “off limits” to many people? Sex can be such a wonderfully spontaneous event – why waste a passionate moment taking time to move from couch to bed? The couch is PERFECT for all kinds of lovin’ – and it should be used more often. Any position that you can do in bed, you can do on a couch. In fact, some positions may even work better on a couch. Maybe even streams some porn onto the TV to take things to the next level.
5. Make That Staircase Sexy
I can not recall how many porn videos I have seen where some part of sex was started or finished on stairs. Why stairs? Well, while admittedly not always the most comfortable – stairs offer something very unique to the frisky couple – difference in height. You can find the perfect height for oral sex just by ascending a few stairs. There is normally a handrail to hold on to, and at least one wall to brace your feet on – it is the perfect place to start – or finish – sex.
6. The Great Outdoors
Plus, the garage or even a shed can offer important cover for that sexy something you have been thinking of. Having sex outdoors can be the one way that you can really spice up your sex and take it to the newest level. The chance of being caught alone is enough to make most couples crawling with anticipation! Remember those times when you had to sneak to have sex? Well, relive that feeling with some outdoor escapades!
7. Shower Lovin'
If you haven't tried this one, you are missing out. I know there are lots of negative stories about shower sex because depending on the shower maybe there's not enough room or versatility. BUT here me out, if you go into shower sex prepared - it will be mind-blowingly sexy. Try something as simple as getting on your knees while your partner stands so you can give some amazing, wet oral. So, the next time your honey is taking a shower – or even shaving – ask to join them!
8. Get It In The Guest Room
I get it, some of you might not have a guest room but if you do - this is an amazing new place to have sex. Tell your partner to meet you in the bedroom upstairs. Maybe leave a trail of your clothes so they can find you. Light some candles in the guest room and surprise them in a different bedroom than they had in mind. Yes, it might still be sex in a bed but just being in a completely different room is enough to take things up a notch.
9. Heat Up The Laundry Room
I know this is another one that some of you might roll your eyes at because it's just a reminder that you don't have a washer or dryer in your apartment. But if you've got it, flaunt it. Turn on the washer or dryer onto their highest level and hop on top. Not only is it kinky having sex in a new area but you'll also feel the vibrations from the machines all over your body.
10. Against The Front Door Or Windows
This one is really kinky because it also adds the element of potentially getting caught by a neighbor or someone walking by. They probably won't see, but even the thought of it will give you an adrenaline rush. Have your partner push your naked body against the window, watch as your moans steam up the glass.
11. Slam The Closet Door
Alright, I know going into the closet to have sex might not exactly sound sexy but trust me, it can be. This is an amazing opportunity to add in some role play. Pretend that you are at a family gathering or at a party and the two of you have snuck away to have some dirty fun.
12. Heat Up The Car
So technically this one is not in the house, but it's just outside the house and is an amazing way to make things hot again with you and your partner. You don't have to go anywhere, just go for it in your driveway or garage (just turn it on ahead of time if it's cold outside). The car is such a sexy place to have sex because it really provides that feeling of doing something you're not supposed to do. It also might make you feel like you could get caught any second, which gets everyone going. Another thing to try, climb onto the roof of your car and have your way with your partner there.
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