The Complete Guide to Penis Pumps: Benefits, Types of Pumps and More!

Have you ever watched in disappointment confused about how some porn stars appear to have such large penises? Or, maybe lately you just want to be bigger, wider and, yes, stronger in the penis department. Perhaps you have some mild erectile dysfunction (ED) and you would like to see if pumping could help you! Penis pumping is not a myth and really does work. It has varying results – depending on your goal – and it can be very effective in fighting ED.
It should be noted that a penis pump is NOT a sex toy. Meaning, this is not a masturbation sleeve, it is most likely not going to make you orgasm. Penis pumps are, in essence medical devices, so you should always read all the information and cautions before you take on any penis pumping. However, if you're looking for general information about penis pumps, you're in the right place and should continue reading!
Important Note: You should NOT use a penis pump if you have a penile implant, have a blood clotting disorder, or if you have a new genital piercing. If you have any doubt or questions, ask your doctor!
What is a Penis Pump?
Essentially, a penis pump is a cylindrical chamber that you insert your penis into, form a vacuum seal and then "pump" it up. There is a constrictive band at the base of the penis that will help maintain the blood flow into the penis. When the air is pumped out of the chamber, the blood flows into the penis and it becomes erect. The more you pump, the more blood flow that comes into the shaft and the harder (and larger) the penis becomes. However, I do want to point out that this does, of course, have limits. You're realistically not going to be able to pump a 3 inch penis to a 10 inch penis, so just make sure you set realistic expectations before using your penis pump.The pumps do have medical uses for men who suffer from impotency. Penis Pumps can be used to obtain an erection, maintaining it erect with a cock ring, removing the pump to engage in intercourse.
Types of Penis Pumps:
The most common type of penis pump is the hand pump. To make the hand pump work you have a hand squeeze bulb or squeeze handle to remove the air from the chamber. There is always an emergency valve to release the pressure and let the air back into the chamber.
There are also electric pumps which eliminate the need for the hand pumping, but these are expensive and have more restrictions to use. All in all, a hand pump, such as the Beginner's Power Pump below, is more than efficient to achieve the intended purpose.
How to Use a Penis Pump:
Each pump will come with it's own specific instructions and warnings, so make sure you are very familiar with how your pump works. However, there are some common sense instructions to be aware of for penis pumps in general:
- Never continue if you are in pain.
- Watch for numbness that does not go away or for a change in color that does not go away.
- Normal pumping will cause the penis to look bruised or purple, feel cold and sort of numb. However, these side affects should be minimal and go away after the penis has become flaccid. There may be slight bruising at the very base where the penis meets the abdomen after pumping.
Why Should I Use a Penis Pump?
- Increase Penis Size - After your first pumping session you will notice an increase in the size of your penis, but this is temporary after only one session. In order to achieve longer-lasting results you should pump on a regular schedule. Most information suggests that a 30 minute session per day seems to render results. However, you have to be careful not to maintain the suction of the vacuum for more than 15 minutes at a time, so two sessions per day may be ideal. It is very important that you read ALL the information that comes with your pump.
- Improve Erectile Dysfunction - Because this pump forces blood into the penis it is an effective way to treat mild ED (Read more info on ED). It is suggested that a cock ring, such as one from the Silicone Erection Cock Ring set shown below, or other restrictive device be used in this case as well to maintain the blood flow to the penis after pumping has ceased. Continued penis pumping has shown help in fighting ED overall in many cases, but if you suffer from ED is it important to consult your doctor regarding a pumping regimen.
So, whether you just want to add a little something extra to your penis in a safe and natural way or whether you have some ED issues, a penis pump can be a very effective method to achieve these stronger, longer, and wider erections. I would highly suggest if you are using a pump for ED that you see a doctor before starting a pumping regimen. However, if you just want to pump up your penis, then read the instructions that come with your pump and get started!
Do They Really Work?
According to Dr. Joel Kaplan, a diplomat at the American Board of Sexology in Washington, D.C., "When the first airtight vacuum pump cylinder is placed around your penis, blood rushes into the muscle portion of your penis. The muscle tissue expands to the maximum, breaks down, and then rebuilds into larger and stronger muscles, similar to body-building." Dr Kaplan has been a pioneer in the use of vacuum pump therapy for penis enlargement and sexual dysfunction.
The length of your pumping session, the frequency of your pumping sessions, are two factors that will determine your results. Through daily pumping, it may be possible to maintain the increases if you have the time to pump often.
Most increases are only temporary. After a day or so, your penis will return to it's normal size. Your penis should stay large for at least several hours after pumping. There are no well documented scientific studies of the long term effects of pumping but it stands to reason, that with continuous use of vacuum pumps over a long period, that increases could be made permanent. Thought you will find it hard to uncover documented results, many men who have been at it for several months or years will cite increases of an inch or more.
Just like with anything, you get what you pay for. If you are serious about pumping, you will need to spend. If you are serious about pumping, we suggest using Titan Vibrating Penis Pump. If you are unsure about using a penis pumps, you might want to try a lower priced model, for starters: Classic Power Penis Pump
How Much Gain Can You Expect?
This will vary from individual to individual. Most men will see more increases in girth than in length. It's difficult to say how much of an increase in length will occur. While in the cylinder, the penis can gain as much as 2 inches. The increase in girth should be greater and longer lasting. Most men are surprised in the increase size of their penis.General Advice On Pumping
- Shave the base of your penis and testicles back about an inch or more so that when you put the cylinder on you can get a good seal.
- It helps to apply the pump with an erection, though it's not required.
- You may wish to press the cylinder against your body to keep your testicles from being pulled up into the tube. This is painful for some men (though some men pump them as well, to really big sizes).
- It is important to take it slow and gradual. If the pressure increases too rapidly it will cause bruising.
- Enjoy the experience. If you do get any bruising, it will usually go away after a day or so.
- Do not pump until you are in pain. If you began to sense pain, release some of the pressure.
- Increase the pressure to highest level that you can maintain comfortably.
- Leave the pump on for a period of time. Some people watch TV, surf the net, etc. to help pass the time. As your penis gets larger, increase the pressure to the point where you are still comfortable and not experiencing any pain.
How Safe Is Pumping?
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So I have been pumping for about 4 plus years on a regular basis and have seen a dramatic change mainly girth I started doing it just to get a little bit more girth at 8 and 1/2 I was pleased with the length but not so much girth so I started pumping and now I got the best of both worlds girth and length and not just a little bit of girth but I mean a big difference of girth have a big bulge constantly and every pants I wear you get a lot of people look at you and since I’ve been doing it for this many years it doesn’t go away overnight I wake up and it’s still as girthy so maintaining it with the pump constantly every day works very well and the lucky ones that get to see it and have it in action or very impressed and orgasms are the best for me and my partner’s
When is the right time to use a pump? Right before intercourse, 20 minutes after pumping, 40 minutes?…
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There were no instructions at all in my order? Should there have been? I think I am doing it right but I am unsure.I will try to reach you Tuesday after holiday.
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