6 Things You Shouldn't Do During Oral

When it comes to oral sex, it can be just as important to know what NOT to do as it is to know what you should be doing. So, in order to cover all of our bases and make sure you're a total pro when it comes to oral, we've put together 6 things you should avoid doing during oral sex.
1. Don't Assume Everyone Wants The Same Thing
There is no standard when it comes to oral sex. Everyone has different needs and desires. So, it's best not to go in blindly just assuming that you know exactly what the person wants. That isn't sexy. Don't get me wrong, you want to go in confident but you also want to go in with an open mind and ready to be educated by your new partner. Let them tell you what they want, and if they don't tell you, then take a break and ask them "did you like the way I licked your clit?" or "did it feel good when I played with your balls?". Communication is really important in the beginning when you're learning what someone likes when you're going down on them.
2. Don't Go Straight In For The Kill
For many people, especially women, it really isn't going to be sexy if you just dive straight into oral sex. Take your time, there's no rush to get there. It'll be much more sexy if you take time for foreplay and tease your lover until they are literally begging for you to use your mouth on them.
3. Don't Use Your Teeth
Unless your lover has specifically requested for you to use teeth in some way during oral, you really should be avoiding teeth play at all costs. Nobody wants to be in the moment feeling a warm tongue or a wet mouth down low then all of a sudden be hit with the sharp feeling of teeth unexpectedly. Just stick to focusing on using your mouth, your tongue and playing with different pressure levels for now. If things get kinkier down the road, then maybe teeth play will be on the table.
4. Don't Rush It
This tip is very important, you cannot rush oral sex. There is absolutely nothing less sexy than when you're receiving oral and you feel like the person giving you oral is just trying to get it over with. If you go in rushing it, the person receiving it is most likely going to assume you're not really enjoying yourself. Also, they're probably going to get into their heads about it because you're trying to rush it. So, then they might feel rushed getting to their orgasm. And, when someone is feeling rushed to orgasm, let's be honest that probably means they won't ever get to that orgasm. So, take your time and enjoy tasting your lover.
5. Don't Lack Enthusiasm
Following up with that last tip, it is important to make sure your lover knows how into it you are and how turned on you are by giving them pleasure. Nobody wants to be receiving oral sex, look down and see someone who is clearly miserable down there. Get into it. Make some noises, moan, slurp, maybe even gag a little. Look up into your lover's eyes showing them how turned on you are. Pull your mouth away, use your hands for a little and talk to your lover about how turned on you are. These are all great options to show how enthusiastic you are and how sexy the experience is for you as the giver.
6. Don't Moan Unless It Actually Feels Good
Technically this tip is actually for the person receiving oral but it's still important. I know that there is this idea out there that you're supposed to be moaning and making noise the entire time someone is pleasuring your orally but my advice is actually to not do that. Instead, you should only be moaning or verbally confirming how good it feels...when it ACTUALLY feels good. By doing this you are actually going to be helping your partner understand what you actually like when they're giving you oral, so do both of you a favor and only moan when it counts for something.
To The Man
Thank you baby. I love you. You should not have put all of that because you don’t know that man at all. Mr. yendrey he is not telling a lie though. You never know when someone has had a bad bathroom episode. Cleaning each other up before sex no matter how fast you want to tear into it is great foreplay. Ask your male lover about it. Sorry I don’t see you as a heterosexual.
Keeping one’s self clean can’t be stressed enough. Mr. Yendrey, I know when I use to cheat on my wife or she just thought I did she didn’t do anything to enhance the sex. She knew when I watched porn because I would go home horny as hell and rush into it. I never gave her a chance to get cleaned up. I was not cleaned up either and she was not into it at all. She knows when I lie and that is a big turnoff to her. I was a narcissist and she kept loving me and giving me chances over and over until I finally got my shit together. Point in case, for a woman to be unclean it is usually our fault for thinking we are the prize when in fact we are the scum of the earth. I did everything to push her away and I almost lost her. It took tracking her down and begging her to come back. I swore I would be the man she married. I work hard every day undoing all the wrong I did to her. I thought I was loved in the past because I always did my own thing. Man was I ever wrong. My wife shows me real love and I am a better person for it. Between her and couples counseling we are in a place I always dreamed of being. Once I realized her love was real it is all I wanted. All the past women in my life just used me and dummy me thought it was love because I was king and they wanted me. NOT they wanted a free life. My wife now keeps the house clean. Hell she runs the house and I work. We are best friends. I no longer share with those who just agreed with me about nearly everything or telling me what they would do or what I should do. I learned they are miserable and want everyone they know to be miserable too. And family is worst of them all. Our sex life is great. We experiment all the time. Oral sex is over the top. Hell all our sex is over the top. We have even gotten into some kinky shit. Bottom line is if you keep running into problems maybe it is you man. My wife and I know everything now we keep no secrets we share everything now no his and hers in out house. Life has never been better. Do your part man and see how things go. Not saying you did anything wrong I just know I screwed up all the time big time and it took being brought down several notches to realize it was me and not them including wife and past wifes. I finally learned true love because my wife never wanted to give up on me. When I did something dealing with a ex wife that was the straw that broke the camels back. It didn’t happen overnight but it is what caused the chain reaction for her to leave me. Man look at yourself because you are probably the reason they don’t care.
I can not stress enough. Keep yourself CLEAN, some people take showers in morning and that’s your deal. But if you intend to have a good sex life thin take a shower and clean your self good. Think of it this way .why would you put something in you that stinks . Same as why would you think someone would go down on you if you smell like pee or other bad orders. Thin you want a kiss . I don’t think so. Keep it clean
Since we are discussing oral sex, just for fun we thought we would share instructions a professional porn star shared with us on how to “Deep Throat” a penis when giving oral sex to a man. The good news is, this method works.
1. As for deep throat training, if you can’t get some stud-muffin to help you out in a timely manner, we suggest finding a set of soft dildos from small, to medium, to natural sized large (not fantasy ginormous or ten feet long).
2. Make sure the dildo or cock going into your mouth and throat is CLEAN and SANITIZED!!! You don’t want to become ill.
3. When a friend with a real cock is helping you practice, have them wear a condom, unless you absolutely know they are disease free.
4. Make sure the toy or the real thing is moist or lubed its full length. Tying to jam a dry toy or penis down your throat can damage sensitive organs in the roof of your mouth and in your throat.
5. Drinking hot coffee, tea or other warm drinks before you make your first attempt to deep throat, helps relax and expand your throat.
6. Having a glass of warm (not ice cold) water or other drink handy helps with a mouth and throat rinse after each attempt.
7. Remember to take a deep breath, before plunging deep, as it always shuts off your airway, (at least it does us.)
8. Some people say they can hold it deep while breathing though their nose, but we have as yet to see it done where they can hold it deep for more than a few seconds without gagging.
9. When those sissy slaves we have been servicing bragged they could deep throat and failed with our smaller than average man-clit … they were pleasantly yet firmly punished.
10. Lastly, have a bucket or trash can within arms reach whenever attempting a deep throat.. Deep throating a dildo or a real flesh and blood cock sometimes trips the gag and puke button, even on experience cock suckers.
With a lurid smile, the last words of advice our porn star friend shared with us was,”Go long, go often, go deep and go gently, if your really want to enjoy deep throat oral sex”
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