5 Best Positions For Doing It In The Car
Don't even try to tell me that you haven't tried it, cause I know you have. Okay... so maybe you tried it when you were in your 20's, but that doesn't have to be the end of your automobile erotica. No, you can have fun and flirty sex in your car whenever you want. Wanna know how? I'm going to tell you 5 positions to have amazing sex in your car. Just keep in mind that not all positions work for all people, depending on car size, personal height, and weight.
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Safety Disclaimer: Despite what you may have seen in porn or on your favorite soft-porn shows, you really shouldn't have sex WHILE driving. Think of safety first because while you are getting off you may run someone else OFF the road! Furthermore, I know the idea of road head (giving a blowjob to a driver while they is driving) is appealing, but honestly, it too, is dangerous.
1. Take a Seat
One of the easiest positions for sex while in the car is called "take a seat", which sounds pretty self-explanatory but don't worry I'm still going to give you plenty of details so you can make this position work with your partner. So, if you are the person receiving, you are going to have your partner sit down in the passenger seat (the steering wheel gets in the way if you try this in the driver's seat) and then you're going to climb on top.
Have your partner move the seat back as far as it will go and then you can mount your partner facing them with your knees on either side of their hips. You can then slowly grind on your partner while hugging them close; you can also lean backward with your body against the glove box so your partner can see and feel you as they pleasure you!
2. Reverse The First
If you find the quarters of your car to be a bit too restrictive it is perfectly acceptable, and fun, to reverse the sitting position that we just talked about by simply turning around and facing the windshield with your knees bent and sort of dipping over the seat. Then, your partner can grab your hips and pull you back down onto themselves or they can place their feet up and thrust up into you that way. Either way, the windshield is sure to be steamy!
3. Taking The "Doggy" For a Ride
If you are yearning for some doggy style sex, it's time to make use of the passenger seat again. As the receiver, you're going to want to kneel on the passenger seat and lean over the back of the chair so that you're facing the rear window. You may want to also lower the seat down so it becomes more of a lying down position if that's more comfortable for you. Then, your partner can enter you by kneeling behind you and leaning forward as much as they can. If they are too tall for this, then a laying-doggy position is fun too, if the seats go all the way down. It might be helpful to have a doggy style strap with you in the car for this position.
4. Backseat Bangin'
5. SUV Sex
If you are lucky enough to have a larger vehicle, such as an SUV, you may have more options to choose from. Many SUVs have back seats that will fold up and down, making one, larger back seat. Or, they have a more flatbed back for hauling furniture and such. Either situation makes for a hot place to have sex! Just fold down the seats in any way that gives you the most amount of room and now you have a mobile bed.
Final Note: All of these positions are for the inside of a vehicle. It can be fun if you have sex ON your car (such as the hood!). Keep in mind that this can get you arrested, but if you find a private and safe place to do it (or even in your garage) you can have hot, hot sex on the hood of your car!
the year was 2024, in the back of my matte black g wagon, we were only a long drive and my dick started to rise, my girl saw it and said feel free to make it cum, i said bet and we pulled over, we went into the back of my massive car and i pulled out my massive 2 ruler long dick and slapped it across her face, my dick was sucked so hard that it got drained and then i fucked her pussy so hard i left bruises. best fuck ever. would defo recommend my girl for sex if anyone is interested. she is a good time.
Backshots broke the car suspenison and i had to get it replaced. Snapped his spine in half too
Made her bust in no time with my 16 incher sat in my Corvette C2. Best ride i ever had. Squirted everywhere
I fucked her hard. Right there and then. She moaned so hard, even the People in Africa could hear the bitch moan. My cock went in and out of her, felt like a god damn waterfall that i was fucking.
We had gone to a swinging party in D/C. the night before and stayed overnight.
Driving home the next day, Diane was still horny, so I told her to put her feet up on the windshield and get herself off.
She lifted up her skirt and jerked herself off driving through downtown DC.
I could only look and listen but enjoyed it thoroughly!
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