How To Find & Stimulate Your G-Spot

Of all the questions that I get asked, “how do I find my G-Spot?” is probably one of the more frequent. Women want to know how they can find and stimulate their own G-Spots, or if what they are doing is correct, if they are looking in the right spot or, the most popular, why can't they squirt?
Stimulating your G-Spot is an experience that is extremely pleasurable for most women – and, of course – if you can have that elusive g-spot orgasm, well, it is worth all the trouble finding it! Realistically, finding the G-Spot is really not all that difficult if you know where to look. However, stimulating it correctly may be a little more of a challenge. So, if you've got a vagina and you want to know where, how and why to find and stimulate your G-Spot read on!
Where Exactly Is The G-Spot?
The first bit of information that anyone interested in G-Spot stimulation needs to know is where, exactly, the G-Spot is located. The G-Spot has is approximately 2-3 inches inside of the vagina, on the upper (stomach side) of the vaginal wall, under the pelvic bone and right by the bladder. The texture of this spot will feel rougher than the rest of the vaginal canal, and the overall size of most G-Spots, although some are much larger, is about a fingertip width.
Before you try to find your G-Spot: Have many orgasms (clitoral and/or vaginal). The more aroused you are, the more prominent your G-Spot will be! So, the more orgasms, the better!
Can You Reach It By Yourself?
Many women want to know how they can get to it by themselves. Can they do it alone? Do you need a special toy? How is the easiest way to do it? To answer these questions we have to cover a lot of different possibilities and scenarios including: how flexible you are, how sensitive you are, if you are overweight, etc. But in short, YES, you can get to it yourself! It may take some finagling but you most definitely can find it yourself.
3 Positions To Find Your G-Spot
The best way to find it yourself, if possible, is via your own fingers. The reason is, the G-Spot has a different texture than the rest of your vaginal canal. So, if you can reach in and feel your vaginal canal with your fingers then you should be able to feel the spongy texture there. Lay down on your back, put a pillow or two under your butt (this changes the angle to make it easier to reach), bring your legs up and back toward your sides, then reach in with the middle finger of your prominent hand and feel the top wall of your vaginal canal about 2-3 inches in. When you press on the spot, hard, you should feel a sort of sensation that is different than other vaginal stimulation.
If you can’t reach in this manner, due to flexibility or being a bit overweight, you can get onto your hands and knees, a pillow under your tummy, bending your head down toward the bed. Spread your knees and then reach under and insert your fingers into your vaginal canal and feel in the same manner. This position is often easier as the natural weight of the body can push the G-Spot out a bit.
Squatting, as in like a frog stance, can also be helpful in finding your G-Spot. If you need some support, squat while holding on to a chair. Squat down with your feel flat on the floor and your knees spread apart. Then, reach up and into your vagina with your prominent finger and feel for the spot. This position naturally relaxes the internal canal (like in pre-birthing exercises) and allows the spot to become more prominent to the touch.
Hit That Spot With A Toy
Perhaps you are not having much luck with finding your spot via fingers. If that's the case, you may want to employ the help of a G-Spot toy. G-Spot toys are designed to have a natural curve to them which, when placed into the vagina, can arch up toward the spot. They are also firmer to the touch, so when the toy comes into contact with the G-Spot you can feel the special sensation. G-Spot toys are good to have for play time whether or not you want to stimulate your G-Spot.
Recommended Product: The Jade Glass Dildo
Learning How To Stimulate Your Spot
So, now that you have found your G-Spot you can explore different ways to stimulate it. If you are using just your fingers, remember that for most women effective stimulation of your G-Spot takes time. A lot of time. So, be prepared to stroke and stroke and stroke your spot. Use a firm touch and, if possible, put a bullet on your clitoris to continue the arousal state. Use FIRM pressure. You should be able to FEEL the stimulation and build up.
If you are using a toy (recommended) then you will be able to give yourself much more stimulation for longer because toys don’t get tired! Find a toy that is appropriate for G-Spot stimulation (firm, curved head, often “bulbous” shape at the tip) and press this toy hard onto your spot. Be relentless in your stimulation of your G-spot. It will take a while and you should feel that you are getting more aroused.
How You Can Know You're Stimulating It
Well, first and foremost, it will feel amazing! It is a very intense sensation, almost uncomfortable, and it may feel like you have to pee. Do not stop! If you feel this, keep on going. It is possible you will have a G-spot orgasm! This is not guaranteed, and it is different for every woman, but most of the time once you get past the feeling of discomfort you are well on your way.
To Squirt Or Not To Squirt
A lot of women want to squirt. They see it as “the only true G-Spot orgasm.” The truth is, a majority of women do NOT squirt. Squirting is not something that happens with every woman. You can sometimes work up to the squirt, otherwise known as the ejaculation, but not all women will. You can, however, have a G-Spot orgasm without the squirt. So, my advice is to have fun, enjoy the sensations and do not worry about the squirt. IF it feels good to you then carry on!
My girlfriend thought squirting was a myth until we got together.. once I made her squirt the first she was shocked. Now when we have sex I make her squirt several times until her side of the bed is soaked!
My boyfriend got me to squirt several times
My girlfriend of 81 years, had first experience intercourse only after marriage and the only partner of 50 years and celibate for ten years after his passing.. After we met and celibate for a few years (I’m 82 ) we began discovering each other.. When I mentioned Squirting she had no idea what I was referring to.. After moving 1200 miles and upon her first visit, she wanted to shower before we made love, I got in the shower with her and ask her to pee on me, reluctently , she did. I told her that now she knows if she should pee on me it would be no big deal and in fact if she felt that urge not to hold back but to push harder.. When she first experience it, her eye flew wide and she was dumbstruck.. She can now do it over the phone from 1200 miles with help from my voice..
trying to stimulate my girlfriend help her have one we been working on it :)
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