4 Sexy Foreplay Tips For Bondage Sex

You may be reading the title of this article and think, “Uh, exactly how is foreplay for bondage any different than any other kind of foreplay?”. Foreplay, being the activities you engage in before intercourse, right? Well, let me be the first to tell you that foreplay before sex involving bondage is different in some very important ways! In fact, bondage sex foreplay is on a whole, other level and it is part of what makes bondage sex so incredibly hot and so appealing to couples! That being said, foreplay is foreplay, so these tips can be used even if you are not participating in bondage.
Note: It is absolutely essential that before you engage in any bondage act, or any sexual act, really, that you have CONSENT and have discussed what is and is not acceptable for bondage play. Consent is sexy – make sure you get it.
1. Sensory Play
Sensory play is when you amp up a particular sensory stimulation (taste, feel, sound, smell) by eliminating other senses. For example, if you are to take away your partner’s sense of movement and feel by restraining them (tying them to the bedposts for example) and then you take away their sense of sight with a blindfold, you then have a fantastic opportunity to tease them via your touch until they are crazy with sensory overload!
When we take away one of the senses the other senses become more heightened, and the two most prominent senses are touch and sight. Therefore, this one-two combo of sensory deprivation really makes for an extra exciting time. Any touch you render – a soft kiss, a light bite, a sensual lick, a little tap, a feather dragging across the body – any touch becomes MORE than just the touch! Foreplay with bondage is all about playing with these sensory experiences by using the tools of bondage, like Black Satin Bondage Blindfold below, to enhance this experience!
2. Take Control (Or, Surrender Control)
Most sexual experiences involve both partners giving and receiving pleasure nearly simultaneously. However, in bondage sex, one partner is often incapable of taking any control because they will be physically restrained. This surrendering of control is a very important part of foreplay, because even though you may not be able to do anything to reciprocate that pleasure, your body will inadvertently do it for you. Squirming underneath your restraints, bending your body to reach the touch of your partner, contorting yourself to achieve the maximum pleasure – all of this is important with foreplay.
Then, for the other partner, having this control and using it to the fullest advantage is extremely important. You need to take that control as a gift and use it for every second it is given to you. This means look at your partner’s surrender as a chance to stimulate them to the utmost! Use their body for your pleasure to give THEM the pleasure right back. You have to take control for both of you and it will be amazing! Try using these bondage rope shown below to really take control.
3. Make Them Beg For It
Okay, so like I wrote above, you have to use that control to the FULLEST advantage! This means that you should take standard foreplay and kick it up about 20 notches! Everything should be done in a very slow and extremely intense way.
Spend a lot of time caressing her breasts and nipples. Experiment with sucking, licking, flicking and even using ice on them. Kiss all around the body, up and down the belly, avoiding the pussy and clit until she is literally squirming all over the bed. Kiss all parts of her body, and when you do get down between her legs, use the fact that she is immobile to your greatest advantage, bringing your partner to the brink and then back down (edging) over and over and over again!
Similarly, you can follow the same advice for your man, except avoid the penis! When you get down there, take your time with oral sex. Give him a very slow blowjob where you alternate with different techniques. Make it so he is literally bucking against you to make him orgasm or to move on to sex!
No matter who is in charge, make that foreplay last! Using a bed restraint system like the one below is an amazing way to experiment with this.
4. Use Them For Your Own Pleasure
One of the most enticing things about bondage is that the person who is not restrained can use their partner for their pleasure! This means that if your partner is restrained and you have a vagina, you can sit on their face and force them to give you oral sex! Similarly, if you have a penis you can straddle your lover's face and make them give you head and tease them with a little bit of penetrative sex in between the other foreplay. A CONSENTING partner engaging in bondage activity will welcome all of these activities and enjoy, to the fullest, being pleasured AND being used for pleasure. Then, by the time sex occurs both partners will be amped so high that the sex will be incredibly intense and satisfying! Using a bondage kit like the one below will take this play to the next level.
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My boyfriend is a survivor of prostate cancer and struggles to get erection and keep one we need help what toys do you recommend?
I rigged a great bondage attachment system in entryway (no door) from our master bedroom into bath area that faces huge mirror. I have her wear a cup less, crotch less super hot teddy, finishing with a blindfold. Using eye screws & grommets I handcuff her wrists up over her head to ceiling then spread her legs and cuff her ankles at floor level to sides of entry. She is now standing, spread eagle and blindfolded with me having 360 degree access to everything! I use feather teaser, ice, tongue, small bullet vibe and magic wand to tease her head to toe, especially her super sensitive nipples. I will lick & vibe all around her clit but don’t touch it. I eventually will flick it lightly with tongue or vibe just enough to make her squeal.
I also use same techniques but I tie her naked to wooden chair that I modified by cutting deep V-shaped notch down middle of seat so I have access to all my favorite parts.
I love being the submissive. There is nothing better than pleasing my mistress. She really knows how to tease me and make me please her till she is ready to explode.
I would prefer to submit and let my other half take charge and make me her slave. I love to please an to be forced to do so just excites me.
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