How to Make Time for Self-Care in the Form of Masturbation

For many people, masturbation is not always on the top of the “to do” list, especially since we tend to have to-do lists that are miles long!
It can be hard to make time for it because for many, especially those of us with vaginas, they can tend to take longer to reach orgasm, we need preparation and a stress-free time and place to do it!
So, when you are dying to masturbate, how do you make the time for it? Read on for some ideas.
Wind Down During Your Nightly Routine
When we lay down to go to sleep, we rarely just hit the pillow and doze off. It takes an average of 18 minutes for most people to actually fall asleep. Many people read or watch TV in bed to “wind down” and turn off the brain.
So, what if you skip the chapter or the nightly news and spend some quality time making yourself feel good! Most of the time the kids will be in bed, the house will be quiet, and you have “you” time so why not?
If you have a partner, ask them to help or do it before they climb into bed. Self-pleasure is a very important part of life, and the bonus of doing it before bed is that it's known to help people fall asleep easier and quicker.

Wake Up Early to Masturbate
No one really wants to wake up early, right? Well, if you knew you would get a nice orgasm to start your day you probably wouldn’t mind so much.
There was a time when I would set my alarm 15 minutes early so that I could have a nice morning orgasm before getting into the shower. This is especially handy if you are the one to wake up your children in the morning.
No one will be busting into your room at 5:30 am (hopefully, anyways).
If you have a penis, well, you are likely to wake up with morning wood as it is, so why not take advantage of that. An early morning masturbation session is a wonderful way to get the day started with a smile.
Save Time, Take a Shower!
Get to Know Your Body With a Toy
If you're one of those people who really enjoys the time to yourself when you masturbate, then definitely try one of the ideas that I listed earlier.If you're just in it for the orgasm and the amazing effects an orgasm has on you both mentally and physically - then buying a sex toy to speed up the process is a great option.And no, you won't become 'numb' to stimulation if you use a toy often. That is purely fictional.If you've got a vagina, then one of ouror ourshould help you get to that orgasm nice and fast.Or, if you're really into clit stimulation and you know you need strong vibrations, try one of our. If you've got a penis, well, chances are that it probably is easier for you to reach orgasm than any of you who have a vagina, but that is not always the case!So, grab something like aand a tube of handy dandyto help you reach that climax in no time.
Is better to lay over someone lay for a paddling or better to stand and bend over for the birthday spankings?
My husband just recently went to prison and I decided to buy a few toys to help me wind down cause I noticed me getting sexually frustrated and I tried masterbating with my hand and that didn’t work too well. So I bought some toys and they have been alot of help for me since I’m being loyal and faithful and choosing not to step out on my husband while he’s doing his time… I’ve been with only my husband for the past 9 years… I’m not about to cheat on him now… what can I say he’s my better half…
Being single for years has made masturation a necessity. I like to do it in the afternoon when the house quiet.
The best time for me is after a shower, or before going to bed. I put a lot of prep work into getting ready, including putting on relaxing music for some serious edge work. TooTimid has great toys that I have gotten, so I have a variety of things to use/try, depending on my mood. When I really want to take my time and relax with them, the toys I got for an anal/clit stimulation combo are really great!
I just listening to my boyfriend’s voice
(as long as he isn’t discussing money and finances)…and he is in a great mood, can make me squeeze my thighs together and actually come! And if he has a private moment of time at the office, he will call, ask what I am doing, and the next thing I know, we are having phone sex.
Just a afternoon quickie. Together but apart.
But my favorite time to be alone with my self is when I have had a wet dream, and am still not wide awake and still half asleep and just need so badly to put a smile on my face. And wow, sometimes I just can’t stop and have multiple
organisms. That happens often when we are apart and he is on a business trip. and he calls in the middle of the night and we have phone sex.
He blows me totally out of this world. By far he has been physically and emotionally the best lover I have ever had. He likes to cuddle, and when we are done he doesn’t jump up quickly and runs and pees, comes back to bed, and rolls over and goes to sleep. Soft touching. nibbles my face and ears, he leads me to the bathroom
turns on the shower, and when I was 18, and was learning about sex on my own, from adult novels like Jacqueline Susan had read of golden showers. Well, now I know. I always thought that it would be impossible to climax while having sex standing up. I never had had sex standing up before but now I have. And I have heard of the mile high club. We are waiting for my passport and then we are traveling 1st class to be married at a island beach resort and he has promised me that before the plane lands, I will be in the club.
He has finally made me realize why women on TV and in the movies wear matching bras and panties!…and the crotchless panties, I love them.
He has opened up the world for me.
Thank you “Z”.
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